AiR 05

"Rebirth" is the story of the creation of the interior of AiR 05. It was an experiment, an experiment of creativity and possibilities. AiR 05 was developed in response to the prevailing trend of creating the new, drawing on experiments and the freedom associated with them, where bold forms conceal complex functional solutions.
The homeowner is a successful entrepreneur, and in his ideal world he envisioned housing as a flexible space that not only meets the needs of work, but is also a place for appeasement and entertainment, individual work and leisure. Therefore, starting from the concept of meeting work as well as leisure functions, we have loosened the sense of boundaries that define a particular function. For example, natural light extends alongside all the floor-to-ceiling windows, creating an amazing atmosphere of light and shadow, increasing the openness of the overall layout, connecting it to its surroundings.

The living area is an open space illuminated by tall windows, the arrangement of furniture alongside the central axis organizes the space and creates a visual composition of volumes. A large rectilinear sofa in classic style embraces the seating area, and its shape creates a sense of comfortable dimension where objects are, defined by artistic expression, completely immediate, such as the provocative presence of the wall rug and the red console.

On the first floor, the single ceiling height defines the different use of each room within a free but zoned layout. On the upper floor, the change in levels and ceiling slope has formed some challenges, but has been able to form different degrees of privacy. The house is expected to be more flexible and utilize every corner of the space in order to meet the privacy requirements.

AiR 05 demonstrates how a small house can be sympathetic and practical, with a clear, artistic and useful design that provides visual unity, maximum functionality and spatial pull.

At the implementation stage | 2022-2024

Design: Hanna Lapchanka, Yauheni Lapchanka